trio albtrieb trio
pünklichkeit & anarchie

hannes löschel

edi flaneur

CD ©2002 loew08 Vertrieb: loewenhertz

€15.00 (excl. shipping) bei loewenhertz

Joanna Lewis - first violin
Hannes Löschel - piano, synthesizer, samples
Paul Skrepek - drums, vocals
W.V. Wizlsperger - double bass, children’s guitar, tuba, trombone, vocals

01 vierfacher Ollie 02 Verschub 03 Straßenbahn 04 Velvet 05 Echo am Silbersee 06 Wallet 07 Borderline Song 08 Pocket 09 Insel 10 Grillpolka 11 Brother 12 Drei Europäer ertrinken // Total 50:15

vorne: joanna lewis
hinten: ihre stradivari DX7
Music composed by Hannes Löschel
except 11 Brother by Joanna Lewis
Lyrics by W.V.Wizlsperger

Für ein Kinderprogramm im Auftrag derJeunesse entstanden binnen kürzester Zeit Texte und Musikstücke, die von Plätzen der Wiener Vorstadt handeln.
Auf der CD sind die Texte – bis auf zwei Ausnahmen – irgendwohin verschwunden und das Repertoire durch neue Stücke – die auch recht vorstädtisch daherkommen – ergänzt. So entstand ein Nummernprogramm aus Kammermusik, Samples, Liedern, Collagen und Balladen als musikalischer Streifzug durch eine ständig wechselnde Landschaft.

Und was sagt Farrell Lowe dazu?
Read selber:
Given that Edi Flaneur is a collection of music created for children, composer Hannes Loschel must love and respect children very much—because the music presented on this disc is intelligent, provocative, sincere, and more fun than a can of glow worms! On "vierfacher Ollie" prepared piano themes intertwine wonderfully with environmental samples and violin phrases. By the time the high-strung children's guitar appears into the piece, it is obvious that this recording is something special. The second piece, "Verschub," combines elements of cabaret, classical, and circus music themes into a fusion of serious and silly that is immediately engaging. The next piece, "StraBenbahn," is a strange marriage between Phillip Glass and Carla Bley, where minimalist repetition slams headlong into the surrealistic musings of guitarist Wizlsperger. His slide guitar work is amazing throughout the entire album and reminiscent of a less distorted and tamer Sonny Sharrock. What a strange album! This band is like the lost aural child of Cirque du Soleil; there are so many emotional, musical, and stylistic landscapes explored within the various pieces, which simultaneously weave a tremendously strong thematic thread throughout a variety of moods. The text and music are based on the suburban adventures of a boy in Vienna and are intended to convey the many flavors of that environment. In the live version of this program, the boy is the main character and tells stories of his experiences via video while the music is performed. As a compact disc the music must stand on its own without the aid of such visual stimuli, and it does so quite admirably—each piece is well composed, with inspired playing by everyone involved. Whether this music was composed for children or adults or extraterrestrials really doesn't matter in the end. What does matter is the composer's ability to convey his cinematic sophistication, coupled with his surrealistic juxtaposition of high art and low art into one vibrating mass. This album is very well done! Farrell Lowe, March 21, 2003


echo am silbersee


